There is a legend
That says
It takes a hundred years for an olive tree to start producing olives.
When one Generation plants olive trees, they do so not for themselves,
but for generations to follow.
We Provide a legacy of compassion, devotion and service to Trinity Episcopal Church
The Trinity Episcopal Church Foundation of Fort Worth, Inc. (Trinity Foundation) is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit foundation established for the purpose of providing long-term financial support of Trinity Episcopal Church.
Foundation Impact
Our Church
"I want the church to be there and to be vibrant for my children and my grandchildren." - Bishop Hulsey
Our building
Caring for our Sacred Spaces today
tomorrow and in the future.
Our Community
Caring for our community by hosting them in our spaces, voluntarism and financial support.
Distributions from the Foundation provide support for Trinity Outreach ministries.

Our Church

Our Building

Our Community
With input from Trinity's Reaching Out Committee, the Foundation has historically supported area nonprofits like:
Trinity Requiem
The Trinity Foundation is working to ensure that music will always be a priority at Trinity. Our Arts Gala, Music for Food benefit concert, Evensong, Lessons & Carols, and annual All Souls’ Requiem are examples of ways Trinity Episcopal Church engages our congregation with the community through music and worship. This was demonstrated most recently in 2018 with the world premiere of Requiem for the New World, an original composition by Trinity to celebrate our 125th anniversary.
At 4Saints & Friends Episcopal Food Pantry, our mission is to serve with dignity and humility the nutritional needs of those seeking assistance.
The mission of the DRC is to provide respectful, responsible, and effective community-based solutions to help individuals and families emerge from homelessness as productive, healthy people.
Habitat works toward our vision by building strength, stability and self-reliance in partnership with families in need of decent and affordable housing. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage.
Laundry Love washes the clothes and bedding of low/no income families and person(s) across the US. We brighten the lives of thousands of people through love, dignity, and detergent by partnering with diverse groups and laundromats nationwide.
Opening Doors for Women In Need provides programs for women that will empower them with faith, confidence, resources, teaching and training needed to gain a level of independence and self-sufficiency, creating financial accountability and stability to be able to provide for themselves and their children. Also providing specific programs for men, with the exception of housing, through Change A Life! The Nehemiah Project, a subdivison of ODWIN.
To eliminate poverty from our community by empowering individuals and families to find their path to social and financial well-being.
We welcome anyone without a home. And then we help them find one. We do so much more than provide free access to safe shelter and a warm meal. Our "housing first" approach helps break the cycle of homelessness through housing assistance, support services, and employment opportunities.